Sep 20, 2009

Bezness guys form hounds

Hey ladies !

So when you read the following story, I am quite sure you will agree with me :
Bezness guys tend to have a very particular social behavior, squeezing 6 guys around a tiny table of a café, wearing half a gallon of cheap cologne and so much hairspray you could hurt yourself if touching their hair.

Nevermind the place, Bezness guys usually hang out in groups, even if his girlfriend has come especially to see him, he will take her out and meet his friends, because it is too scary to have to actually TALK.
Well, this omnivorous mammal species which can be found everywhere on Tunisian coastal regions still remains a little bit.. primitive.

Some of his favorites themes are :
- his work
- his ex girlfriends (he just loves to tell you how much fun he's had before meeting you, but of course it's all in the past now that he has YOU in his life, and how happy he his that he's found you and how could he ever live without you and that he will be forever thankful to his God for meeting you ect ect)

- his family (which seems like an endangered species that can only be saved with Western union)
- his financial problems (his description usually makes us think that Tunisia is at War, devestated by Leper, were people starve to death, and that the whole place needs urgent help)

The other main reason for those large groups of guys is to compete for the horny female (oh wow, you got a good one, she is not THAT ugly, AND she is so naïve she doesn't mind paying for us all).

So this one time, I was at a café and witnessed the following scene :
Two guys with young, very young German girls; maybe 16 years old at the most.
So the girls were trying to look older, as teenagers usually do, so they were wearing so much makeup, they actually looked kind of ridiculous.

Presentation of the characters :
Bezness 1 and 2 are sitting with me
Bezness 1 is one of my lab rats, Bezness 2 is a friend of his.
Bezness 3 is at the next table and goes out with Stupid girl 1, Bezness 4 is at the next table and goes out with Stupid girl 2.

So Bezness 1 at my table, asks Bezness 4 at the table next to us in arabic :
Bezness 1 : So where are they from ?
Bezness 4 : German, or Swiss, not so sure yet
Bezness 1 : ok, so where are they staying
Bezness 3 : Sun Club
Bezness 2 : Are they staying alone ?
Bezness 3 : Yup and they have other girlfriends too and we're going there to meet some of them tomorrow haha

I COULD NOT believe that the guys sitting at MY table, were actually planning where they would next go to find naïve young girls to take advantage of.

Well, of course, the two girls paid for all drinks, including theirs and those of their Prince charming.
However, I thought it was pretty funny that the two Bezness guys took pictures with the german teenagers, and I am pretty sure the girls will be happy to post those pictures on Facebook as soon as they'll get home.
And.. that's the one thing Bezness guys fear :)


  1. absolument génial ton blog, ca me rappelle aussi la technique des bezzness au sénégal la meme chose, je suis passée par cette épreuve absolument douloureuse d'ou je suis sortie il y a peu de temps.
    Ton blog est un régal
    si je pouvais te contacter cela me ferait très plaisir

  2. Mon mail est Bon courage a toi et merci pour ton soutient

  3. J'adore absolument tout ! en plus ça permet de rire un bon coup chacun son tour ! voir leurs têtes sur facebook ? c'est possible ? dis-moi vite où que j'aille immédiatement en publier une...

  4. Merci. Simple, clair, drôle et tellement vrai !! Un plaisir à lire et d'en rire. Bravo pour tes anecdotes. KarineBZ

  5. mdrrrr un bezness fou est venue me coller pendant une heure il etais tellemend ridicule avec ses technique de dragues foireuses que jai faillie mourir de rire est il etais mort de rire lui aussi mais a t il compris pourquoi jen avait les larmes au yeux tellemend je riait ???? je ne crois pas il avait 25 ans il ma reperer sure la plage grace a un guetteur qui attendait sure la plage en trifouillant le sable toutes l apres midi est il lui a parler et comme par hazard le bezness est venue me taper la discute il avait un portable une chevaliere en or de jolie gourmette la chaine la casquette ect ect le lendemain matin retour a la plage il etais toujours la mais sans aucun articfice je suis en couple depuis 13 ans il ma dit de revenir le voir l annee prochaine sans mon homme il ma fais de grand signe dans la rue il ma suivie de la plage jusqu a dans la rue car il a oublier de me demmander mes coordonees mdrrrrr trop trop idiot il ma marque a vie celui ci ps; il boss sure la plage comme vous lavez deviné ;) est il ma dit avoir sa propre maison quil est marier qui a eu deux voitures quil a cassez que les tunisiens sont de vrai hommes car il mangent du harrissa en gros il ma fait comprendre qu au lit avec lui j allis en prendre pour mon grade ce serais trop long a explique .....

  6. ps ; si je reagit c est parceque la derniere phrase ma fais eclater de rire car le bezness voulait faire une photo de nous deux trois fois il ma demmander mais pouruqoi tu veut pas nous prendre en^photo ensemble ,?? je le connaissait depuis 20 minutes hahahhaah
