Sep 15, 2009

BIP, Bezness's greatest invention

The main caracteristic of Bezness rats is that they tend NOT to spend money for women.
But Bezness rats still need to maintain contact with the ladies or else, how can they pretend to be in love ?
So this is why they have invented the famous, international BIP
The BIP, which is the french word, is a missed call done on purpose, to notify you that someone tried to reach you but did not have enough credit on his phone to actually pay for the conversation.
In order to do it well, you need to let the phone ring one, or at the most, two times before hanging up, and then wait for the other person to call back.

The BIP has a very complex pyscho-emotional meaning that I will try to explain 

- I BIP you because I think about you
(or maybe, because you have called me so many times today, I am so tired of you, and I don't want to spend money for you, so I will grant you the favor of BIPing you and you'll call me back to hear my voice) 
- I BIP you to notify you I have free time now 
(because I you call me later, I might have more important business to attend...)

- I BIP you because I need to tell you something
(I need you to send me Western Union ASAP, and I know that, since you love to hear my voice, you'll call me back in a few seconds)

- I BIP you because I am bored
(and I don't care if I have nothing interesting to say, because in the end, the phone bill is yours and not mine)

So there are the main reasons why you can receive a BIP on your phone, and the thing is, if you do, receive a missed call, you are expected to call back.

I usually don't.

However I am glad that I did, this one time, because it gave me a funny story to tell you :

Bezness BIP on my phone
I call back.

Me - What do you want ?
Bezness - Oh darling, why do you sound mad ? 
Me - I am not your slave to call back whenever you have something to tell me. In my country, the men tend to be better educated.
Bezness - Darling, you know I call you when I can, but right now, I can't (you just ended the summer season in a 4 star hotel and you don't have money ? oh PLEASE ! Please stop I feel insulted that you would think I am THAT naive)
Me - Oh really ? So what is it now ? Your mom is in hospital or what's making you spend so much money ?
Bezness - No my mom is dead you know that

(yeah, and that's a lie too, just so you know)

Me - Ok so what is it ?
Bezness - I need to send money to my younger sister 
Me - Why is that ?
Bezness - She is at university, I am paying for her studies (universities are public and free of charge in Tunisia)

Ok, 6 minutes already and only crap.

Me - Ok, I need to go now.
Bezness - Why ? 
Me - I am bored and I don't want to pay to hear your bullshit

I hang up.

How about you, do you call back when you receive a BIP ?

1 comment:

  1. j'aime bien les différentes versions du bip ca me rapelle quelque chose !

    merci pour ton blog
