Jan 11, 2010

Meet the F*ckers

This is an informative message, which can be useful to any woman in a relationship with a tunisian guy whom she suspects to be a Bezness?

One of the technics they use to make us trust them is to meet the family.

You know, in our European countries, even though we tend to be less conservative, meeting the family remains a symbol of commitment into a relationship.
So then, when we think of the ultra-conservative arab culture, we are more than honored when our luscious boyfriend takes us to meet his family.

And we should be right, because Tunisian guys are not supposed to bring his girlfriend home unless he plans to marry her.
However, rememeber Bezness guys don't really play by the rules, nor do they pay much attention to cultural and traditional beliefs, as long as the "gazelle" can pay, he is willing to take her home.

Most of the time, the family acknowledges this behavior since the "Gazelle" will provide the family with presents, money or even a visa for their son.

So there are different scenarios :

(1) Scenario n° 1 : Modern Man

This guy will not hesitate to take you home to meet his family.
Why is that ?
Because he wants you to believe that he is open to occidental culture.
Well before believing any crap that comes out of the guy's mouth, please remember that Tunisia is a conservative country in regards to relationships, and this is even more true in the Southern regions.
Tunisian families pay a lot of attention to what "people think". Should it be their neighbors, or other members of the family.
Therefore, it is not recommanded that Tunisian guys should have a non Muslim girlfriend.

If your Tunisian Boyfriend invites you to meet the family quickly, (less than a year after the beginning of the reltionship), I advise you to run for your life, and more importantly for your bank account.

(2) Scenario n°2 : The shy guy, really ? 

The fake shy guy will not take you home immediately, he will wait for 4-6 months.
Either because he really fears the reaction of his parents, but more importantly because he wants you to trust that he is not applying scenario n°1, which is easilly recognizable, and supiscious behavior.

However, in the event that your boyfriend is a Bezness, in both scenarios, the first encounter with the family will probably look like this : 

- Don't expect to leave the house without tasting the homemade couscous and mint tea with your boyfriend's mom and sisters..

- The aforementionned mom and sisters will probably look at you like you were the incarnation of the Earth Goddess (but they will talk among themselves in arab so you won't understand, and laugh about your looks or compare you to the other naive girlfriends who sat there before you)

- It is usually the mother or the older sister, depending on who knows your language best, who will ask you what you do in life, if you have a job, where you live etc..
This does not mean that they are interested in you or in your life, however, please consider the image of you being the (cash) cow and the mother or the sister, being the farmer, evaluating your potential for the family's well being. 

In other words, if you are a good investment or not.

You will probably not meet the dad during those lunches, he probably stays in a different room, watching TV, since he doesn't really care about you or your presence.
Maybe when you start sending Western Union, he will make the effort to come and talk to you..

In conclusion , please, ladies, stop thinking that you are so irreplaceable, and please start to realize that in many cases, you are no more than an investment to help a whole family earn a better life.


  1. Au lieu de s'acharner de cette façon sordide sur l'homme tunisien en faisant des généralisations à tort et à travers, tu aurais du dénoncer les pratiques de certaines femmes européennes.

    Le "métier" ou plutôt le comportement du bezness existe certes. Un constat qui nuit guère à l'image de la Tunisie et du tunisien. Toutefois, il n'est pas majoritaire et ce ne sont pas tous les hommes tunisiens qui voient en une européenne un visa aux yeux bleues. Au contraire, la Tunisie de nos jours est de plus en plus une destination de choix pour les femmes "Hors-Services" qui partent chercher des jeunes de 18 à 30 ans afin d'assouvir leurs désirs sexuels au prix de quelques euros ou quelques promesses paroles au vent !

    Je ne manque pas de te faire la remarque à propos du caractère purement à connotation raciste de certaines des tes phrases. Encore une fois, on est face à la mentalité des "maîtres" élus pour guider le monde. Réveillez-vous, la mentalité / période colonialiste est révolue !

  2. Je pense que parispouffe a bien explique dans son intro qu'elle parle des relations ou la femme est amoureuse et l'homme en profite et non pas de la prostitution generee et consentie par les vieilles. Moi je trouve que c'est vrai et joliment ecrit.

  3. les beznessas ne ratent ni vieille ni jeune mais ils préfèrent quand même les vielles : elles ont plus de tunes, en europe personne ne les regarde et en plus elles se contentent de peu.
    parce que la mamie de 50 ans qui tombe amoureuse du casanova de 30 ans,ça n'existe que dans les films. en tout cas les beznessas ont leur propre théroème : s'il y a un trou, il faut le reboucher.

  4. j'aimerai savoir pourquoi tu as mis seulement 2 réactions ... je te propose d'en ajouter un 3iéme PATHETIQUE ...

  5. Je suis vraiment en accord avec cet article bien écrit et tellement vrai malheureusement. De toute façon c'est tout simplement illégal et totallement en désaccord avec le bonheur que chaque être humain est cencé suivre pour être en symbiose avec soi-même.
