Nov 15, 2009

Tango Dance

I met a guy last year (2009), and I had his telephone number. Of course, I never gave him mine. So then I totally forgot about him, I bet he forgot about me too. But yesterday, I got very bored so I decided to call bip him.
He calls me back...

Him - Hello ? Who is it ? 
Me - Its [....]
Him - Ohhhhhhhhhh how are YOU ? (yeah right, I never even told him my name ! Well if he starts off like that, it should be an interesting phonecall...)
Me - So you remember me hugh? 
Him - Of course !
Me - Ok, so tell me, how did we meet then ?
Him - Hum... so what's your name again ? 

[I hang up]

So I sent him a text message, in which I pretend that something happened between us (in reality, nothing happened).

"I'm so sad that you don't remember me, I wanted to have a little fun tonight"

So of course the man-whore calls me right away..

Not only do I not pick up the phone, but I also turned if off, because, everyone knows that the woman-who-tells-you-the-person-you-are-trying-to-reach-is-unavailable-at-the-moment's voice is the most irritating.

Since then, he has not stopped calling me, a real tango dance, I go one step closer to you, and two steps away, and you, cute little Bezness, you do exactly what I want you to do.


  1. J'adore ton site, il est génial ! Je me marre malgré que ce phénomène ne soit pas du tout risible, vu les dégats sentimentaux et/ou financiers qu'ils peuvent nous faire subir. Continues ! Bisous

  2. Merci c'est un vrai moment de bonheur de lire tes petites scènettes; continue!!malheureusement ces types font beaucoup de mal.
    J'étais à Djerba fin octobre et j'aurais bien aimé faire ta connaissance!
    Crois-tu possible de faire pister le tutu avec qui je suis, j'ai des doutes, mais rien de tel que d'avoir une vraie preuve sous le nez! En clair j'aimerai savoir s'il a des relations en parallèle et si c'est un vrai bezness?

  3. Chere tahizea n'hesites pas a me contacter sur pour donner suite

  4. Parispouffe, celà va?
    Pas beaucoup de temps pour rédiger tes petits billets d'humeur ou pb?
    J'espère pouvoir bientôt avoir le plaisir de lire de tes news, je suis devenue accroc!!!!!!!!!!!
